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环保设备 行喷脉冲袋收尘器
行喷脉冲袋收尘器,用于气体中固体颗粒的去除和收集,适用于水泥熟料冷却机、窑尾及生料磨、烘干机等大气量高温气体的收尘;可用于各种水泥、矿渣、煤粉磨系统成品料粉收集及除尘工艺;同时适用 于冶金、电力、化工、机械和民用锅炉等废气除尘。最小排放浓度可达到2mg/Nm3

独特室内换袋(Walk in)结构,保证设备漏风率真正低于 2.5%。减少了设备锈蚀,也降低了收尘器后风机能耗。
The specially-designed walk-in plenum structure facilitates the replacement of filter bags from inside the
filter housing, thus ensuring air leakage to be under 2.5%, to prevent corrosion by rust and to lower energy
consumption of the fans due to minimum of false air;
基于 CFD 技术的气流分布、清灰模拟和设备强度整机结构优化,确保更合理的结构。
Optimum structure ensured by CFD-based gas distribution, de-dusting simulation and the overall
optimization of the equipment;
Key devices, the purge tube and the purge unit, are patented with several national invention and utility
model patents. De-dusting efficiency and extended service life of the pulse valve and the filter bag can thus
be guaranteed;
Modular design, easy for erection at site and for applying sealing welds;
完美的清灰控制系统, PLC 控制,可方便实现清灰程序、间隔、强度可调,同时设置运行参数监控显示。
The well-designed de-dusting control system is PLC-based, which allows to conveniently adjust the mode,
interval and intensity of the de-dusting program and to display all relevant operational parameters;
A smart monitoring system is used, which ensures reliable operation of this important process equipment.

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